Zodiac Signs ♓ ♋ ♐
If you are born on December 21 you sign is Sagittarius.
Each zodiac sign corresponds to a constellation in the night sky. Your sign is the constellation that was highest in the sky when you were born. There are 12 zodiac signs:
- ♒ Aquarius - January 20 to February 18
- ♓ Pisces - February 19 to March 20
- ♈ Aries - March 21 to April 19
- ♉ Taurus - April 20 to May 20
- ♊ Gemini - May 21 to June 21
- ♋ Cancer - June 22 to July 22
- ♌ Leo - July 23 to August 22
- ♍ Virgo - August 23 to September 22
- ♎ Libra - September 23 to October 22
- ♏ Scorpio - October 23 to November 22
- ♐ Sagittarius - November 23 to December 21 ← current zodiac
- ♑ Capricorn - December 22 to January 19
Do zodiac signs change?
No, your Zodiac Sign has not changed. Over thousands of years the stars in the night sky shift. This causes the dates when each constellation is highest in the sky to change. However, the shift is so gradual that it will have no effect for hundreds of years.
Zodiac Sign Details
Aquarius ♒
- Date Range
January 20 to February 18
Solar stay: 29 days - Meaning
- ‟Water-Bearer”
Pisces ♓
- Date Range
February 19 to March 20
Solar stay: 29 days - Meaning
- ‟Fish”
Aries ♈
- Date Range
March 21 to April 19
Solar stay: 29 days - Meaning
- ‟Ram”
Taurus ♉
- Date Range
April 20 to May 20
Solar stay: 30 days - Meaning
- ‟Bull”
Gemini ♊
- Date Range
May 21 to June 21
Solar stay: 31 days - Meaning
- ‟Twins”
Cancer ♋
- Date Range
June 22 to July 22
Solar stay: 30 days - Meaning
- ‟Crab”
Leo ♌
- Date Range
July 23 to August 22
Solar stay: 30 days - Meaning
- ‟Lion”
Virgo ♍
- Date Range
August 23 to September 22
Solar stay: 30 days - Meaning
- ‟Maiden”
Libra ♎
- Date Range
September 23 to October 22
Solar stay: 29 days - Meaning
- ‟Scales”
Scorpio ♏
- Date Range
October 23 to November 22
Solar stay: 30 days - Meaning
- ‟Scorpion”
Sagittarius ♐
- Date Range
November 23 to December 21
Solar stay: 28 days - Meaning
- ‟Archer (Centaur)”
Capricorn ♑
- Date Range
December 22 to January 19
Solar stay: 28 days - Meaning
- ‟Goat”