In 2022, the name Jennifer was 501st most popular baby name for girls and 997th most popular baby name overall. In 2022, 624 babies were named Jennifer in the United States.
In 2022, 1 out of every 5,376 babies in the United States were named Jennifer. In a classroom of 30 students, there is approximately a 0.6% chance that another student would have the same name. Today, the average age of someone named Jennifer is around 46 to 48 years old.
The name "Jennifer" is well know, but not overly common.
Nicknames for Jennifer include Jen, Jenny and Jenn.
Jennifer Meaning & Origin
Jennifer is a feminine name of Cornish origin meaning "fair phantom" or "white wave", often associated with grace, charm, and elegance.
The name Jennifer is described as intelligent, vivacious and compassionate.Pronunciation
Jennifer is pronounced jen-nee-fer in English. The name Jennifer has 8 letters and 3 or 5 syllables, depending on pronunciation.
Click below to hear how the name is pronounced:
Name Trends (1972 to Present)
The yellow line indicates overall rank of the name. The pink and blue area indicates the total number of girls and boys named "Jennifer".
Fun Facts about Jennifer
- In the sitcom "Friends", both Jennifer Aniston and her character, Rachel Green, were known by the name 'Jennifer'.
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Where is the name Jennifer most popular!? Popularity can vary a lot between regions. This map shows the relative popularity of a name in each state.
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Data Source
Social Security Administration
U.S. Name Statistics provided by the Social Security Administration based on data from SSN Applications
Name meanings are generated with the help of Artificial Intelligence using a tool called ChatGPT